Beach Safety Education
We will equip our members with the knowledge, skills and experience required to keep themselves and others safe in the beach environment through delivery of SLSGB accredited courses.
Physical Fitness and Mental Well-Being
The physical demands of Surf Life Saving help promote a healthy lifestyle. We will strive to help our members improve their physical fitness through regular training and by participation in Surf Life Saving competitions.
Being physically active, connecting with others, learning new skills and giving back to others are all recognised methods to maintaining mental well-being. The very nature of Surf Life Saving also helps build mental resilience as members cannot give up when things get difficult, if someone is relying on them. This encourages members to push through their physical and mental boundaries, forging a path towards self improvement.
Responsibility for Our Actions
Members will be immersed in the natural environment during club activities. We will ensure that our activities are sustainable and where possible actively seek to improve our surroundings by organising beach cleans. We will educate our members in environmental awareness, especially of risks to the marine environment.
Open to All
Nothing should stand in the way of a member having the opportunity to learn how to keep themselves safe. We shall be an open and inviting club who endeavour to overcome any obstacle faced by a member which may limit them taking part in club activities. Whilst certain requirements exist (eg the ability to swim) there will be other roles a member can take within the club, and we will offer support to members willing to work towards meeting such requirements.